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新闻: Liberty Carz – 更新租车价格政策

Liberty Carz App launches the Car Insurance package to optimize the user experience.

Liberty Carz understands that every driver’s needs and options differ, so our insurance service offers a personalized approach to every client. Regardless of your budget or driving history, we will work with you to find a policy that fits your needs.

Our network of partners covers Cambodia, the most prestigious insurance company, providing insurance packages suitable for customers’ car-buying needs.

In addition, our offer price is highly competitive, helping you save the best money. Besides, our partners offer a wide range of coverage packages, so you can tailor your policy to fit your needs.

Liberty Carz believes that by supporting this service, customers can save time and effort by not researching and comparing different insurance providers independently. Customers can benefit from the expertise and guidance of Liberty Carz’s partners in finding the best insurance coverage options for their dream car.

Combining a car trading platform with insurance packages can provide a one-stop shop for customers looking to buy or sell cars. This can make the process more streamlined and convenient, potentially saving customers time and effort in finding the right car and insurance coverage.​ With your selections, Liberty Carz and our partner network have everything you need to make sure you’re well-protected in the event of an accident or loss.

Not only that, our knowledgeable and professional representatives are always ready to help. And if you ever have any questions or concerns, our customer service team is always happy to help.

Contact us today to learn how we can help owners, protect your dream car, and give you peace of mind regarding auto insurance service.


Liberty Carz与HOYITO签署谅解备忘录:推进电动汽车市场合作!

Liberty Carz与HOYITO签署谅解备忘录:推进电动汽车市场合作!

新闻 - JUL 22, 2024

7月18日下午,Liberty Carz与HOYITO正式签署了一份谅解备忘录(MOU),标志着双方将在电动汽车领域展开深入合作。这一合作旨在通过资源共享、技术交流和市场拓展,共同推动柬埔寨电动汽车市场的发展,并在绿色出行方面做出积极贡献。



新闻 - JUL 24, 2024




新闻 - JUL 17, 2024


好车推荐|阿斯顿.马丁 DBX:优雅与豪华相结合的SUV!

好车推荐|阿斯顿.马丁 DBX:优雅与豪华相结合的SUV!

新闻 - JUL 15, 2024

今天向大家介绍的是阿斯顿.马丁 DBX 2021年款,通常一款SUV很难有优美的外型,但这款DBX确实拥有马丁的遗传基因,优雅且贵气十足,DBX还是是阿斯顿.马丁的首款SUV车型,下面就和小Carz一起来看看这款车吧

Liberty Carz与汇旺保险公司签署谅解备忘录,共同提升汽车市场服务质量!

Liberty Carz与汇旺保险公司签署谅解备忘录,共同提升汽车市场服务质量!

新闻 - JUL 08, 2024

2024年7月5日,汇旺保险(HUIONE INSURANCE PLC)与Liberty Carz在金边正式签署了战略合作谅解备忘录(MOU),双方将在汽车车交易和保险服务领域展开深度合作,共同推动汽车市场的健康发展。这次合作将为消费者提供更安全、更便捷和更可靠的车辆交易体验。

我们的成功故事: Liberty Carz 应用程序 - 柬埔寨第一汽车APP

Liberty Carz 应用程序以令人印象深刻的数字彻底改变了柬埔寨的汽车行业,定义了我们在在线汽车市场的成功。






